TSPROC ------ TSPROC is a Time Series PROCessor that uses a configuration file to describe the tasks the data scientest or modeler wants to accomplish. TSPROC was initially developed by John Doherty as part of the 'Surface Water Utilities' to support the use of his Parameter ESTimation (PEST) suite of optimization programs. Even though there are important components in TSPROC that are only used with PEST, TSPROC has general utility outside the PEST environment. I was involved in the 'next-generation' TSPROC development headed up by Steve Westenbroek of the Wisconsin USGS. :Main site: https://wi.water.usgs.gov/models/tsproc/ :Documentation: https://pubs.usgs.gov/tm/tm7c7/ :Development: https://github.com/smwesten-usgs/tsproc