- hspf_utils.hspf_utils.mapping(hbn, year=None, index_prefix='')¶
Develops a csv file appropriate for joining to a GIS layer.
- Parameters:
hbn (str) – This is the binary output file containing PERLND and IMPLND information. This should be the binary output file created by the uci file.
year –
[optional, defaults to None]
If None the water balance would cover the period of simulation. Otherwise the year for the water balance.
index_prefix –
[optional, defaults to ‘’]
A string prepended to the PERLND code, which would allow being run on different models and collected into one dataset by creating a unique ID. [optional, defaults to ‘’]
A string prepended to the PERLND code, which would allow being run on different models and collected into one dataset by creating a unique ID.
tablefmt (str) –
[optional, default is ‘cvs_nos’]
The table format. Can be one of ‘csv’, ‘tsv’, ‘csv_nos’, ‘tsv_nos’, ‘plain’, ‘simple’, ‘github’, ‘grid’, ‘fancy_grid’, ‘pipe’, ‘orgtbl’, ‘jira’, ‘presto’, ‘psql’, ‘rst’, ‘mediawiki’, ‘moinmoin’, ‘youtrack’, ‘html’, ‘latex’, ‘latex_raw’, ‘latex_booktabs’ and ‘textile’.
float_format (str) –
[optional, default is ‘.2f’]
The format for floating point numbers in the output table.