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hspf_utils --help


$ hspf_utils about --help
usage: hspf_utils about [-h]

Display version number and system information.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


$ hspf_utils detailed --help
usage: hspf_utils detailed [-h] [--uci UCI] [--year YEAR] [--modulus MODULUS]
                           [--constituent CONSTITUENT] [--qualnames QUALNAMES]
                           [--tablefmt TABLEFMT] [--float_format FLOAT_FORMAT]

Develops a detailed water or mass balance.

positional arguments:
  hbn                   This is the binary output file containing PERLND and
                        IMPLND information. This should be the binary output
                        file created by the `uci` file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --uci UCI             [optional, defaults to None] This uci file will be
                        read to determine all of the areas and other aspects
                        of the model. If available it will read the land cover
                        names from the PERLND GEN-INFO table. The `uci`
                        keyword and file is required if you want the water
                        balance area-weighted between land covers. WARNING:
                        The areas used come only from the SCHEMATIC block and
                        if areas are adjusted by SPECIAL ACTIONS those changes
                        are not used in the mass balance.
  --year YEAR           [optional, defaults to None] If None the water balance
                        would cover the period of simulation. Otherwise the
                        year for the water balance.
  --modulus MODULUS     [optional, defaults to 20] Usual setup of a HSPF model
                        has PERLND 1, 21, 41, ...etc. represent land cover 1
                        in different sub-watersheds and 2, 22, 42, ...etc
                        represent land cover 2 in different sub-watersheds,
                        ...etc. The remainder of the PERLND label divided by
                        the modulus is the land cover number.
  --constituent CONSTITUENT
                        [optional, defaults to 'flow'] The constituent to
                        summarize in the table. Currently available
                        constituents are: 'flow' for PWATER/IWATER and 'qual'
                        for PQUAL/IQUAL. if 'qual' is chosen, then the option
                        'qualnames' specifies the names to be found in the HBN
  --qualnames QUALNAMES
                        [optional, defaults to ''] If 'constituent' is 'qual,
                        then this is a comma-separated list of constituent
                        names to be found in the HBN file. Example:
                        --qualnames 'TOTAL N','TOTAL P' This will find
                        PQUAL/IQUAL variables named 'SOQUAL-TOTAL N', etc,
                        which occurs if the QUALID in QUAL-PROPS is 'TOTAL N'.
  --tablefmt TABLEFMT   [optional, default is 'cvs_nos'] The table format. Can
                        be one of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos', 'plain',
                        'simple', 'github', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe',
                        'orgtbl', 'jira', 'presto', 'psql', 'rst',
                        'mediawiki', 'moinmoin', 'youtrack', 'html', 'latex',
                        'latex_raw', 'latex_booktabs' and 'textile'.
  --float_format FLOAT_FORMAT
                        [optional, default is '.2f'] The format for floating
                        point numbers in the output table.


$ hspf_utils mapping --help
usage: hspf_utils mapping [-h] [--year YEAR] [--index_prefix INDEX_PREFIX]
                          [--tablefmt TABLEFMT] [--float_format FLOAT_FORMAT]

Develops a csv file appropriate for joining to a GIS layer.

positional arguments:
  hbn                   This is the binary output file containing PERLND and
                        IMPLND information. This should be the binary output
                        file created by the `uci` file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --year YEAR           [optional, defaults to None] If None the water balance
                        would cover the period of simulation. Otherwise the
                        year for the water balance.
  --index_prefix INDEX_PREFIX
                        [optional, defaults to ''] A string prepended to the
                        PERLND code, which would allow being run on different
                        models and collected into one dataset by creating a
                        unique ID. [optional, defaults to ''] A string
                        prepended to the PERLND code, which would allow being
                        run on different models and collected into one dataset
                        by creating a unique ID.
  --tablefmt TABLEFMT   [optional, default is 'cvs_nos'] The table format. Can
                        be one of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos', 'plain',
                        'simple', 'github', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe',
                        'orgtbl', 'jira', 'presto', 'psql', 'rst',
                        'mediawiki', 'moinmoin', 'youtrack', 'html', 'latex',
                        'latex_raw', 'latex_booktabs' and 'textile'.
  --float_format FLOAT_FORMAT
                        [optional, default is '.2f'] The format for floating
                        point numbers in the output table.


$ hspf_utils parameters --help
usage: hspf_utils parameters [-h] [--index_prefix INDEX_PREFIX]
                             [--index_delimiter INDEX_DELIMITER]
                             [--tablefmt TABLEFMT]
                             [--float_format FLOAT_FORMAT]

Develops a table of parameter values.

positional arguments:
  uci                   [optional, defaults to None] This uci file will be
                        read to determine all of the areas and other aspects
                        of the model. If available it will read the land cover
                        names from the PERLND GEN-INFO table. The `uci`
                        keyword and file is required if you want the water
                        balance area-weighted between land covers. WARNING:
                        The areas used come only from the SCHEMATIC block and
                        if areas are adjusted by SPECIAL ACTIONS those changes
                        are not used in the mass balance.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --index_prefix INDEX_PREFIX
                        [optional, defaults to ''] A string prepended to the
                        PERLND code, which would allow being run on different
                        models and collected into one dataset by creating a
                        unique ID.
  --index_delimiter INDEX_DELIMITER
                        [optional, defaults to '-'] Useful to separate the
                        `index_prefix` from the PERLND/IMPLND number.
  --tablefmt TABLEFMT   [optional, default is 'cvs_nos'] The table format. Can
                        be one of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos', 'plain',
                        'simple', 'github', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe',
                        'orgtbl', 'jira', 'presto', 'psql', 'rst',
                        'mediawiki', 'moinmoin', 'youtrack', 'html', 'latex',
                        'latex_raw', 'latex_booktabs' and 'textile'.
  --float_format FLOAT_FORMAT
                        [optional, default is '.2f'] The format for floating
                        point numbers in the output table.


$ hspf_utils summary --help
usage: hspf_utils summary [-h] [--uci UCI] [--year YEAR] [--modulus MODULUS]
                          [--constituent CONSTITUENT] [--qualnames QUALNAMES]
                          [--tablefmt TABLEFMT] [--float_format FLOAT_FORMAT]

Develops a summary mass balance.

positional arguments:
  hbn                   This is the binary output file containing PERLND and
                        IMPLND information. This should be the binary output
                        file created by the `uci` file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --uci UCI             [optional, defaults to None] This uci file will be
                        read to determine all of the areas and other aspects
                        of the model. If available it will read the land cover
                        names from the PERLND GEN-INFO table. The `uci`
                        keyword and file is required if you want the water
                        balance area-weighted between land covers. WARNING:
                        The areas used come only from the SCHEMATIC block and
                        if areas are adjusted by SPECIAL ACTIONS those changes
                        are not used in the mass balance.
  --year YEAR           [optional, defaults to None] If None the water balance
                        would cover the period of simulation. Otherwise the
                        year for the water balance.
  --modulus MODULUS     [optional, defaults to 20] Usual setup of a HSPF model
                        has PERLND 1, 21, 41, ...etc. represent land cover 1
                        in different sub-watersheds and 2, 22, 42, ...etc
                        represent land cover 2 in different sub-watersheds,
                        ...etc. The remainder of the PERLND label divided by
                        the modulus is the land cover number.
  --constituent CONSTITUENT
                        [optional, defaults to 'flow'] The constituent to
                        summarize in the table. Currently available
                        constituents are: 'flow' for PWATER/IWATER and 'qual'
                        for PQUAL/IQUAL. if 'qual' is chosen, then the option
                        'qualnames' specifies the names to be found in the HBN
  --qualnames QUALNAMES
                        [optional, defaults to ''] If 'constituent' is 'qual,
                        then this is a comma-separated list of constituent
                        names to be found in the HBN file. Example:
                        --qualnames 'TOTAL N','TOTAL P' This will find
                        PQUAL/IQUAL variables named 'SOQUAL-TOTAL N', etc,
                        which occurs if the QUALID in QUAL-PROPS is 'TOTAL N'.
  --tablefmt TABLEFMT   [optional, default is 'cvs_nos'] The table format. Can
                        be one of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos', 'plain',
                        'simple', 'github', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe',
                        'orgtbl', 'jira', 'presto', 'psql', 'rst',
                        'mediawiki', 'moinmoin', 'youtrack', 'html', 'latex',
                        'latex_raw', 'latex_booktabs' and 'textile'.
  --float_format FLOAT_FORMAT
                        [optional, default is '.2f'] The format for floating
                        point numbers in the output table.