
tsgettoolbox.tsgettoolbox.epa_wqp(bBox=None, lat=None, lon=None, within=None, countrycode=None, statecode=None, countycode=None, siteType=None, organization=None, siteid=None, huc=None, sampleMedia=None, characteristicType=None, characteristicName=None, pCode=None, activityId=None, startDateLo=None, startDateHi=None)

US:station::E:EPA Water Quality Portal.

All of the keywords could be considered as subtractive filters of the stations. Some of the keywords can result in very large number of stations being downloaded.

  • bBox

    [optional, default is None, major site filter]

    A contiguous range of decimal latitude and longitude, starting with the west longitude, then the south latitude, then the east longitude, and then the north latitude with each value separated by a comma. The product of the range of latitude and longitude cannot exceed 25 degrees. Whole or decimal degrees must be specified, up to six digits of precision. Minutes and seconds are not allowed. Remember: western longitude (which includes almost all of the United States) is specified in negative degrees. Caution: many sites outside the continental US do not have latitude and longitude referenced to NAD83 and therefore can not be found using these arguments. Certain sites are not associated with latitude and longitude due to homeland security concerns and cannot be found using this filter.:


  • lat (float) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Latitude for radial search, expressed in decimal degrees, WGS84

    The lat, lon, and within arguments are used together to form a circle on the Earth’s surface for locating data-collection stations. Many stations outside the continental US do not have latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84 and therefore cannot be found using these parameters.

  • lon (float) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Longitude for radial search, expressed in decimal degrees, WGS84

    The lat, lon, and within arguments are used together to form a circle on the Earth’s surface for locating data-collection stations. Many stations outside the continental US do not have latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84 and therefore cannot be found using these parameters.

  • within (float) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Distance for radial search, expressed in decimal miles

    The lat, lon, and within arguments are used together to form a circle on the Earth’s surface for locating data-collection stations. Many stations outside the continental US do not have latitude and longitude referenced to WGS84 and therefore cannot be found using these parameters.

  • countrycode (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Two-character Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) country code. (see domain service for available codes)

    FIPS country codes were established by the National Institute of Standards, publication 5-2.

  • statecode (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Two-character Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) country code, followed bu a “:”, followed by a two-digit FIPS state code. (see domain service for available codes)

    FIPS state codes were established by the National Institute of Standards, publication 5-2.

  • countycode (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Two-character Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) country code, followed by a “:”, followed by a two-digit FIPS state code, followed by a “:”, followed by a three-digit FIPS county code. (see domain service for available codes)

    FIPS county codes were established by the National Institute of Standards, publication 5-2.

  • siteType (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more case-sensitive site types, separated by semicolons. (see domain service for available site types)

    Restrict retrieval to stations with specified site type (location in the hydrologic cycle). The MonitoringLocationTypeName for individual records may provide more detailed information about the type of individual stations.

  • organization (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    For USGS organization IDs, append an upper-case postal-service state abbreviation to “USGS-” to identify the USGS office managing the data collection station records. However, a few US states are serviced by one USGS office.:

    USGS-MA = Massachusetts and Rhode Island
    USGS-MD = Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia
    USGS-PR = Caribbean Islands
    USGS-HI = Pacific Islands

    (see domain service for available organization IDs)

    USGS offices sometimes provide data for stations outside the political boundaries associated with the office’s organization code. Use the statecode or countycode arguments to search for stations located within those political boundaries.

  • siteid (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Concatenate an agency code, a hyphen (“-“), and a site-identification number.

    Each data collection station is assigned a unique site-identification number. Other agencies often use different site identification numbers for the same stations.

  • huc (str) –

    [optional, default is None, major site filter]

    A list of hydrologic unit codes (HUC) or watersheds. Only 1 major HUC can be specified per request. A major HUC has two digits. Minor HUCs must be eight digits in length. Can have 1 to 10 HUC codes. List of HUCs is available at http://water.usgs.gov/GIS/huc_name.html:


  • sampleMedia (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more case-sensitive sample media, separated by semicolons. (see domain service for available sample media)

    Sample media are broad general classes, and may be subdivided in the retrieved data. Examine the data elements ActivityMediaName, ActivityMediaSubdivisionName, and ResultSampleFractionText for more detailed information.

  • characteristicType (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more case-sensitive characteristic types (groupings) separated by semicolons. (see domain service for available characteristic types)

    These groups will be expanded as part of the ongoing collaboration between USGS and USEPA.

  • characteristicName (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more case-sensitive characteristic names, separated by semicolons. (see domain service for available characteristic names)

    Characteristic names identify different types of environmental measurements. The names are derived from the USEPA Substance Registry System (SRS). USGS uses parameter codes for the same purpose and has associated most parameters to SRS names.

  • pCode (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more five-digit USGS parameter codes, separated by semicolons. This is equivalent to “parameterCd” used in other USGS web services.

  • activityId (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    One or more case-sensitive activity IDs, separated by semicolons. Designator that uniquely identifies an activity within an organization.

  • startDateLo (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Date of earliest desired data-collection activity. A very wide range of date strings can be used but the closer to ISO 8601 the better.

  • startDateHi (str) –

    [optional, default is None]

    Date of last desired data-collection activity. A very wide range of date strings can be used but the closer to ISO 8601 the better.