
tsgettoolbox.tsgettoolbox.ldas_merra(lat=None, lon=None, xindex=None, yindex=None, variables=None, startDate=None, endDate=None, variable=None)

global:0.5x0.625deg:1980-:H:MERRA-2 Land surface forcings

This will download data from a set of water cycle related variables (Table 1) from the North American and Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (NLDAS and GLDAS, respectively), the Land Parameter Parameter Model (LPRM), the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data assimilation. In addition to their access provided by the hydrology community tools, selected data rods variables can be searched and accessed through the GES DISC search and access user interface, and all data rods variables can be accessed via Web services developed by the GES DISC.

The time zone is always UTC.




MERRA-2 2D, Instantaneous, Land Surface Forcings M2I1NXLFO V5.12.4

0.5x0.625 degree

-180,-90 to

180, 90

1 hour

1980-01-01 to recent

MERRA-2 2D, Time-averaged, Surface Flux Diagnostics M2T1NXFLX V5.12.4

0.5x0.625 degree

-180,-90 to

180, 90

1 hour

1980-01-01 to recent

MERRA-2 2D, Time-averaged, Land Surface Forcings M2T1NXLFO V5.12.4

0.5x0.625 degree

-180,-90 to

180, 90

1 hour

1980-01-01 to recent

  • lat (float) –

    Should use ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ to specify location.

    Latitude (required): Enter single geographic point by latitude.:

    Example: --lat=43.1

    If known, ‘xindex’ and ‘yindex’ can be used for the NLDAS grid only.

  • lon (float) –

    Should use ‘lat’ and ‘lon’ to specify location.

    Longitude (required): Enter single geographic point by longitude:

    Example: --lon=-85.3

    If known, ‘xindex’ and ‘yindex’ can be used for the NLDAS grid only.

  • xindex (int) –

    It lat or lon is None, then will try xindex and yindex.

    Enter the x index of the NLDAS grid.:

    Example: --xindex=301

  • yindex (int) –

    It lat or lon is None, then will try xindex and yindex.

    Enter the y index of the NLDAS grid.:

    Example: --yindex=80

  • variables (str) –

    Use the variable codes from the following table:

    LDAS “variables” string Description


    M2I1NXLFO.5124:QLML Surface specific humidity:instant


    M2I1NXLFO.5124:TLML Surface air temperature over land:instant


    M2I1NXLFO.5124:SPEEDLML Surface wind speed:instant


    M2T1NXFLX.5124:ULML Surface eastward wind:average


    M2T1NXFLX.5124:VLML Surface northward wind:average


    M2T1NXLFO.5124:LWGAB Surface absorbed longwave radiation:average


    M2T1NXLFO.5124:SWGDN Incident shortwave radiation land:average


  • startDate (str) –

    The start date of the time series.:

    Example: --startDate=2001-01-01T05

    If startDate and endDate are None, returns the entire series.

  • endDate (str) –

    The end date of the time series.:

    Example: --endDate=2002-01-05T05

    If startDate and endDate are None, returns the entire series.

  • variable (str) – DEPRECATED: use “variables” instead to be consistent across “tsgettoolbox”.