- tsgettoolbox.tsgettoolbox.ncei_precip_hly(stationid, start_date=None, end_date=None)¶
global:station::H:NCEI hourly precipitation
Requires registration and free API key.
For every datatype and record there is a set of meta-data flags. For the GHCNDMS dataset, the flags are:
'Total Missing','Consecutive Missing'
Total Missing:
Defined as total number of days observation/element is missing in that month. This can be taken as a measure of quality or completeness as the higher the number of days sampled in the month, the more representative the value is for the entire month.
Consecutive Missing:
Defined as the maximum number of consecutive days in the month that an observation/element is missing.
- Parameters:
stationid – The station id. from the first column of https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/daily/ghcnd-stations.txt
start_date (str) –
[optional, defaults to first date in time-series, input filter]
The start_date of the series in ISOdatetime format, or ‘None’ for beginning.
end_date (str) –
[optional, defaults to last date in time-series, input filter]
The end_date of the series in ISOdatetime format, or ‘None’ for end.