- tsgettoolbox.tsgettoolbox.topowx_daily(lat, lon, variables=None, start_date=None, end_date=None)¶
US 30arcsecond 1948- D:Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset.
institution: USGS
history: Created on: 2017-07-06, dataset version 2016.1
references: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.4127 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014GL062803 , http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0276.1
comment: The TopoWx (‘Topography Weather’) gridded dataset contains daily 30-arcsec resolution (~800-m resolution; WGS84) interpolations of minimum and maximum topoclimatic air temperature for the conterminous U.S. Using both DEM-based variables and MODIS land skin temperature as predictors of air temperature, interpolation procedures include moving window regression kriging and geographically weighted regression. To avoid artificial climate trends, all input station data are homogenized using the GHCN/USHCN Pairwise Homogenization Algorithm (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/ushcn/#phas).
Conventions: CF-1.6
source: TopoWx software version 1.3.0 (https://github.com/jaredwo/topowx)
license: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
Metadata_Conventions: Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
summary: The TopoWx (‘Topography Weather’) dataset contains historical 30-arcsec resolution (~800-m) interpolations of daily minimum and maximum topoclimatic air temperature for the conterminous U.S. Using both DEM-based variables and MODIS land skin temperature as predictors of air temperature, interpolation procedures include moving window regression kriging and geographically weighted regression. To avoid artificial climate trends, all input station data are homogenized using the GHCN/USHCN Pairwise Homogenization Algorithm (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/ushcn/#phas). The following data are available in this archive: 1948-2016 daily and monthly minimum and maximum temperature, and 1981-2010 monthly normals for minimum and maximum temperature with corresponding uncertainty (kriging prediction error). Ongoing annual updates will regenerate the entire dataset incorporating both new observations and model enhancements. This will result in a continuously improved dataset. However, different versions of TopoWx will be incompatible. For instance, data from the original 1948-2012 version should not be mixed with data from the new 1948-2016 version.
keywords: maximum temperature, minimum temperature, land skin temperature, MODIS, kriging, homogenization, gridded meteorological data
id: topowx
naming_authority: cida.usgs.gov
cdm_data_type: Grid
date_created: 2017-07-06
creator_name: Jared Oyler
creator_url: http://www.scrimhub.org
creator_email: jared.oyler@psu.edu
publisher_name: Office of Water Information
publisher_url: https://owi.usgs.gov/
publisher_email: wwatkins@usgs.gov
date_issued: 2017-08-18
project: TopoWx: Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset for the Conterminous United States
processing_level: Historical Gridded Meteorological Data
acknowledgement: Please cite this data as: Oyler JW, Ballantyne A, Jencso K, Sweet M, Running S. Creating a Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset for the Conterminous United States using Homogenized Station Data and Remotely Sensed Land Skin Temperature. International Journal of Climatology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.4127
geospatial_lat_min: 24.1
geospatial_lat_max: 51.2
geospatial_lon_min: -125
geospatial_lon_max: -99.7
time_coverage_start: 1948-01-01T00:00:00
time_coverage_end: 2016-12-31T00:00:00
time_coverage_resolution: P1D
- Parameters:
lat – The latitude of the point. North hemisphere is positive from 0 to 90. South hemisphere is negative from 0 to -90.
lon – The longitude of the point. Western hemisphere (west of Greenwich Prime Meridian) is negative 0 to -180. The eastern hemisphere (east of the Greenwich Prime Meridian) is positive 0 to 180.
variables (str) –
At the command line can supply a comma separated list of variable names. Using the Python API needs to be a Python list of strings.
The current list of available topowx variables are daily minimum temperature (tmin) and daily maximum temperature (tmax).
start_date (str) –
[optional, defaults to first date in time-series, input filter]
The start_date of the series in ISOdatetime format, or ‘None’ for beginning.
end_date (str) –
[optional, defaults to last date in time-series, input filter]
The end_date of the series in ISOdatetime format, or ‘None’ for end.