Python API Function Summary¶
US/CA:station::E,H,D,M:California Department of Water Resources |
global:station::1T,6T,H,D,M:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services |
US:region::W:Climate Prediction Center, Weekly Drought Index |
NAmerica:1km:1980-:D,M:Daymet, daily meteorology by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
US:station::E:EPA Water Quality Portal. |
US/FL:station::15T,H,D,M:Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) |
global:station:::Kisters Hydstra Webservice - variable catalog for a station |
global:station:::Kisters Hydstra Webservice - station list for a server |
global:station:::Kisters Hydstra Webservice - time series values |
global:grid:::Land Data Assimilation System, includes all ldas_* (NLDAS, GLDAS2, TRMM, SMERGE, GRACE, MERRA) |
global:0.25deg:2000-:3H:GLDAS NOAH hydrology model results |
NAmerica:0.125deg:2002-:7D:Groundwater and soil moisture from GRACE |
global:0.5x0.625deg:1980-:H:MERRA-2 Land surface forcings |
global:0.5x0.667deg:1980-2016:H:MERRA-2 Analysis update |
NAmerica:0.125deg:1979-:H:NLDAS Weather Forcing A (surface) |
NAmerica:0.125deg:1979-:H:NLDAS NOAH hydrology model results |
global:0.125deg:1997-:D:SMERGE-Noah-CCI root zone soil moisture |
global:0.25deg:1997-:3H:TRMM (TMPA) rainfall estimate |
NAmerica:4km:1980-:D:Download daily data from METDATA based on PRISM. |
global:250m,500m,1000m:2000-:4D,8D,16D,A:Download MODIS derived data. |
global:station::A:NCEI annual data summaries |
global:station::D:Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCND) |
global:station::D:NCEI Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCND) |
global:station::M:NCEI GHCND Monthly Summaries (GHCNDMS) |
global:station::D:NCEI Global Summary of the Day (GSOD) |
global:station::M:NCEI Global Summary of Month (GSOM) |
global:station::A:NCEI Global Summary of Year (GSOY) |
global:station::H:Integrated Surface Database |
global:station::A: NCEI annual normals |
global:station::D:NCEI Daily Normals |
global:station::H:NCEI Normal hourly |
global:station::M:NCEI Monthly Summaries. |
global:station::15T:NCEI 15 minute precipitation |
global:station::H:NCEI hourly precipitation |
US:station::T,6T,10T,15T,H,D:Download historical from the National Data Buoy Center. |
US:station:::Use the |
US:station::D:USGS NWIS Daily Values |
US:station:::USGS NWIS Groundwater Levels |
US:station::E:USGS NWIS Instantaneous Values |
US:station:::USGS NWIS Measurements |
US:station:::USGS NWIS Peak |
US:station:::USGS NWIS Site Database |
US:station:::USGS NWIS Statistic |
US:station:::USACE river gages |
US/region:station:::USACE Southwest Division, Tulsa Water Control |
global:1/24deg:1958-:M:Download monthly data from Terraclimate. |
global:1/24deg::M:Monthly normals using TerraClimate monthly data from 1961 to 1990. |
global:1/24deg::M:Monthly normals using TerraClimate monthly data from 1981 to 2010. |
global:1/24deg::M:Monthly normals from Terraclimate with 2deg C hotter climate. |
global:1/24deg::M:Monthly normals from Terraclimate with 4deg C hotter climate. |
US:30arcsecond:1948-:M:Topoclimatic Monthly Air Temperature Dataset. |
US 30arcsecond 1948- D:Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset. |
US/TX:station::D:Download Texas Weather Connection (TWC) data. |
US:station:::Download data from the Unavco web services. |
US/FL:2km:2019-:D:Download USGS WATERS data from CIDA. |
US/FL:2km:2019-:D:Download USGS WATERS data from CIDA. |